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Medication Error

Wolfberg and Wirth on how to avoid legal pitfalls
Check out the guests, the controversy and the takeaways that garnered these episodes of Inside EMS an EMS One-Stop the most listens of the year
Simplifying the patient assessment process for every patient can reduce variability, lower your stress and improve patient care
Our co-hosts discuss a news story out of Tennessee that could have implications for EMS providers who administer medication
Implementing a medication administration cross check helped St. Charles County Ambulance District reduce dosing errors and win recognition for its Just Culture
Even the best medics make mistakes, but ensuring crews are well rested, 100 percent focused on the patient and working together will minimize medical errors
Medication mistakes are usually due to multiple causal factors but are considered preventable incidents
Use this hands-on training exercise to improve equipment familiarity, reinforce medication cross-check processes and increase provider confidence to treat sick kids
Epinephrine is now labeled for mass dose, like other medications, which is an important step toward patient safety
Most EMS providers have witnessed or been involved with a medication error attributable to poor system design and lack of safety behaviors
The game gives players the opportunity to exchange ideas, participate in interactive discussions on medication safety and to practice drug calculations
Training, including pediatric-specific training, reduced self-reported medication errors in a major fire-based EMS system
EMS agencies can utilize PSOs to improve the safety culture, protect data and receive expert assistance
Paramedic and nurse educator teaches principles of dimensional analysis for medication dose calculation
Medication administration cross check is a simple and easy to implement process to reduce medication errors
EMS providers need to understand anchoring, a type of cognitive bias, to prevent errors in prehospital patient assessment and care
Investigation underway to determine why rocuronium, a paralyzing agent, was given instead of an anti-seizure medication
The award winning educator, paramedic and author discusses his background and the opportunities in paramedic education