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You haven’t been in EMS long enough if you don’t yell “Clear right!” when you’re driving off-duty
There is something sacred inside the cab of the world’s ambulances
When I started writing, I never imagined that it would actually make me a better paramedic
Here are three proven strategies to deal with good Samaritans who are more preoccupied with making a viral YouTube or Facebook Live video
If somebody had told me these things, I wouldn’t have believed them
Is there a more condescending thing to say to somebody who has just spent the last half hour in the field, battling the elements?
If you have any of these signs, then it’s time to face the music and accept your destiny to become a paramedic
Here’s why the logistical and emotional complications from working in EMS can make connecting with new people nearly impossible
Try these tips for busting the immediate and long-term stress that often accompanies working as an EMS professional
We might not be great about discussing these things, but that doesn‘t mean we don‘t seek or value the support of the people that love us
At some point between EMT school and passing our National Registry Paramedic exam, our brains got put into read-only mode
My brother’s death taught me a great deal, but the most important lesson I learned is how to treat your patients and their families
You aren’t going to learn how to survive the daily grind of EMS work in school
When talking about the kind of work I do, people often ask me how I deal with everything that I see
Here are 10 resolutions for personal and professional success in the year ahead
Remember that we all struggle and it takes true strength to admit when you need help
Being the first person that a newly revived human sees following a near-death experience is not an event to be taken lightly
A paramedic wasn’t able to kick his nobody pukes alone habit until he had to transport his partner to the hospital
You know you’re a medic if any of these thoughts have crossed your mind
I thought long and hard about having this published. Even those nearest and dearest to me don’t know what I’m about to admit.
Death reminds EMTs of important messages to send the living.
Don’t believe everything you hear about the profession before starting your career
As hard as I tried, I couldn’t protect our children from every episode that ripped through our house. Here’s our story.
In EMS, shift change is one of the biggest indicators of how the rest of the day is going to go.
Relating Pokémon characters to EMTs is surprisingly easy