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If you have any of these signs, then it’s time to face the music and accept your destiny to become a paramedic
When I started writing, I never imagined that it would actually make me a better paramedic
These conversations are mostly one-sided and you’ll regret getting them started
Work a little, rest a little, do a little extra and the spirit of generosity will find its way back to the people who earned it
Being that I work in both the field and dispatch, I have a unique view from both sides of the radio
Paramedic makes it clear that parents have a no-excuses obligation to take simple measures to protect their children from harm
Race from one call to the next as Michael Morse goes from facing life and death emergencies to treating minor injuries and carting drunks to detox
Video compilation of the best siren imitations by animals
Off-duty paramedic and bystanders rescue surfer attacked by sharks
When talking about the kind of work I do, people often ask me how I deal with everything that I see
Responders will do their best, get through it and go home when they are through, but home will never be the same
Drones, autonomous vehicles and algorithms will change how EMS is delivered and conflicts are resolved
Don’t judge me for the work I do or the service I provide to those in need
I tell myself that second guessing comes with the territory, and that I did what I could, but sometimes all we can do isn’t enough
Trauma doesn’t just impact the victim, but the rescuer as well
At some point between EMT school and passing our National Registry Paramedic exam, our brains got put into read-only mode
My brother’s death taught me a great deal, but the most important lesson I learned is how to treat your patients and their families
You aren’t going to learn how to survive the daily grind of EMS work in school
Here are 10 resolutions for personal and professional success in the year ahead
Remember that we all struggle and it takes true strength to admit when you need help
Being the first person that a newly revived human sees following a near-death experience is not an event to be taken lightly
A paramedic wasn’t able to kick his nobody pukes alone habit until he had to transport his partner to the hospital
I probably would have muddled through this existence had I not been fortunate enough to do well on the fire department entrance exams
I got to meet the woman that I had convinced myself had no possible chance of surviving
When EMS becomes your life, losing your job can almost feel like losing your life
If we aren’t careful, this job can lead us down a very rapid path toward divorce, financial ruin, depression and anxiety
Saving our lives is far more complex than putting guns in our hands while on duty
Some days I have to lie; I can’t risk exposing them to the worst of the sights and sounds we experience
“He has your eyes” were the words of comfort for a frazzled mom of a boy with special health care needs
I’d never had a child ask me what he was going to do after seeing his father dead
Being uncomfortable isn’t the end of the world; suffering in silence very well could be
The profound neglect of the mental and emotional needs of fist responders is the ultimate irony