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Ambulance gets stuck in mud trying to reach man who’d fallen off horse

After an ambulance and a medical helicopter were unable to reach the man, deputies were called in to get the man to safety


Photo/Atascosa County Sheriff David Soward

By EMS1 Staff

SAN ANTONIO — A man and an ambulance had to be rescued after the first crew dispatched became stuck in the mud.

FOX San Antonio reported that a Pleasanton EMS ambulance was responding to a call of a man who had fallen off his horse, possibly in a medical emergency. However, while en route to the call, the rig became stuck in mud.

Dispatch contacted Atascosa County Sheriff David Soward, who ordered a medical helicopter be sent to the scene, but the helicopter could not land close enough to the patient. A Sheriff’s Rescue Unit was then dispatched to the scene, and several deputies carried the man to the vehicle and drove him to a safe place where the helicopter could land.

The man was then airlifted to the hospital.

Once the patient was taken care of, the HUMVEE Rescue Unit pulled the stuck ambulance a half-mile out of the mud.

“The EMS personnel, deputies, firefighters and bystanders all did a great job this morning,” Soward said in a Facebook post. “This is exactly why we have a HUMVEE Rescue Unit, in medical emergencies, minutes count, I’m glad we were able to assist.”