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NEMSQA seeks input on EMS quality measures development

Selected ideas will be included in the Feasible, Actionable, Impactful, Relevant (FAIR) EMS Measurement Project

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The National EMS Quality Alliance (NEMSQA) is seeking input from industry professionals to submit ideas for quality measures in an effort to improve outcomes and expectations in all areas of EMS.


By Rachel Engel

The National EMS Quality Alliance (NEMSQA) is seeking input from industry professionals for quality measure ideas in an effort to improve outcomes and expectations in all areas of EMS.

Selected ideas will be included in the Feasible, Actionable, Impactful, Relevant (FAIR) EMS Measurement Project, created by NEMSQA in collaboration with the Florida Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support, according to a press release.

The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and seeks to allow quality and progress to be measured in different areas of emergency health, including processes, outcomes, patient perceptions and structures.

The release details that quality measures are tools that help us see how we are doing in different aspects of care like processes (things we do), outcomes (what happens to patients), patient perceptions (how patients feel about their care), and structures (resources available). Measuring quality is important so providers, patients and agencies can determine what actions are needed to improve patient care.

Areas of preference include ideas focusing on rural health outcomes and other State Health Department objectives, such as infant mortality, cardiovascular health and trauma systems improvement.

To submit an idea, visit the NEMSQA FAIR EMS Measurement Project website. All ideas must be submitted by Aug. 20.