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EMS training gaps in lifting practices, medical measuring and monitoring, and providing compassionate care put patients and providers at risk
Use the right equipment and enlist extra personnel to help transport bariatric patients out of their homes and into the ambulance while keeping their safety top of mind
I still regret a euphoric comment to my partner after lifting a morbidly obese patient
Lifting more than 51 pounds from the floor can lead to injuries, and EMS must increase training for proper lifting techniques
Use this method to identify landmarks as an alternative to the sternal notch placement of electrodes for acquiring a 12-lead ECG
It took a bariatric litter, a bariatric rig and a lot of manpower to move the patient experiencing a medical emergency
Transports of obese patients has gone from 24 trips in 2004, to more than 1,000
Moving heavy patients can lead to injuries but these specialized tools can help
Obese patients have an increased pulmonary blood volume that can make ventilation difficult, but there are techniques that can help
The new unit includes a ramp and pulley system, and a cot that can hold up to 1,600 pounds
From safety to cleanliness, lift gates help streamline the process of handling obese patients
As individuals we are entitled to our opinions, but understand the causes of obesity before commenting on it
The old ways of lifting and moving patients can really hurt EMS providers and cut short a promising EMS career
Comprehensive approach is necessary to address problem without harming patients or providers