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In this week’s Inside EMS podcast, hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson discuss the recent D.C. Fire and EMS report that alleges an EMT showed no concern for a man who died across the street from a firehouse.
“I think we’re pointing a finger at a problem where maybe it’s the wrong place to point a finger,” Chris said. “This is more of a complacency issue than it is a ‘I don’t care about my patients’ issue.”
Chris and Kelly talk about the ability of the field provider to give good pain management in their clinical issue segment.
“I think as a profession, ED personnel in general are not good at pain management,” Kelly said. “We have this whole ‘don’t feed the drug seekers’ attitude. The problem with EMS, not only do we often adopt that attitude, we are also hamstrung by stupid protocols that don’t allow us to effectively manage pain. I think that’s something that really needs to change.”
They also interview Dr. George Kiss, an EMS medical director in Houston, about pain management, community paramedicine and what keeps him up at night as a medical director.
If you have any topics or items you would like to hear discussed on Inside EMS, let us know in the comment section below.
Here are links to some of the articles and other items mentioned on the show:
D.C. Fire report: EMT showed no concern for dying man
2 EMTs arrested after police find marijuana inside ambulance
N.H. cop dies in shooting before blaze
Pain management begins with empathy
Will community paramedicine help or hurt EMS?
A 9mm lesson: Why the scene is NEVER safe
NY responders to wear body armor to medical calls
What does scene safety really mean?