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NEMSMA releases ‘Mental Health and Stress in EMS’ report

The paper focuses its attention of the critical issues of stress, mental health and suicide in EMS

PLATTE CITY, Mo. — The National EMS Management Association released a white paper outlining the mental health and stress-related issues plaguing the EMS industry.

The EMS Practitioner Mental Health and Wellbeing committee is looking to address the issues of stress, mental health and suicide in EMS. The paper focuses its attention on the critical issue of stress and its consequences.

“We call on the mental health and epidemiology communities to use this paper as a spring-board to develop further studies to help us better understand this issue and know how we can best support our caregivers,” the report said. “All of us have a role in helping to address the mental health and well-being issues of EMS providers.”

You can read the full white paper below.

Mental Health and Stress in Emergency Medical Services