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Quiz: Test your knowledge of shock pathophysiology

Prove your understanding of the predictable signs and symptoms of shock with this quiz for EMTs and paramedics

Shock, seen in both medical and trauma patients, presents with predictable signs and symptoms — especially to those who truly understand it. EMS providers, at all certification levels, need to understand basic pathophysiology — and nowhere is that more important than shock. This quiz will test your knowledge of shock. After you are done with the quiz share your results and scroll down for four key points about shock pathophysiology.

4 key points about shock pathophysiology

Thank you for taking our shock quiz. How did you do? Share your results and remember these four things about shock:

1. Know the early signs

Early signs of shock are important. Be alert for early changes in mental status, pulse and respirations.

2. Caused by injury and illness

Shock occurs in both medical and trauma patients. Internal bleeding may be caused by medical or traumatic conditions; anaphylaxis and sepsis cause shock too.

3. Understand different types of shock

Remember the functional descriptions for types of shock: distributive, obstructive, cardiogenic and hypovolemic.

4. Differentiate critical from non-critical

Identifying shock helps you to identify critical patients more efficiently. Failing to differentiate a critical from a non-critical patient is a frequent and serious error.

Learn more about shock assessment and treatment

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