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Danish soccer star collapses on field, ‘was gone,’ before defib

Denmark’s Christian Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest during the European Championship match against Finland on Saturday


Christian Eriksen, a midfielder for the Denmark national soccer team, suddenly collapsed during a European Championship match on Saturday and “was gone” according to the team’s doctor before being resuscitated, NBC News reported.

Friedemann Vogel/Pool via AP

By Rachel Engel

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — A Danish soccer star who suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on the field was resuscitated with a defibrillator and is now in stable condition.

Christian Eriksen, a midfielder for the Denmark national soccer team, suddenly collapsed during a European Championship match on Saturday and “was gone” according to the team’s doctor before being resuscitated, NBC News reported.

“We got him back after one defib,” Morten Boesen, Denmark’s team doctor, said. “That’s quite fast.”

Eriksen’s team members encircled him as medical staff performed CPR for 10 minutes before being taken off the field.

In a statement, the Danish Football Union said Eriksen was stable and “continues to be hospitalized for further examination,” and that Erikensen “sent his greetings to his teammates.”

The teams continued the match after word of Eriksen’s improved condition, with Denmark falling to Finland 1-0. Eriksen was named player of the match.

“It was a tough night,” Kasper Hjulmand, Denmark’s manager, said after the match. “We have a group of players I can’t praise enough. I couldn’t be prouder of these people who take such good care of each other at such a time where one of my very, very dear friends is suffering.”