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In the Field Survivor Stories: Dawn Blake

Dawn Blake is a 36 year old mother of two from Andover, MN. Two days before her 33rd birthday, Dawn came home from work, ate dinner and went to bed as if it were any other day. Around midnight that night she woke up with an uncomfortable back pain and had trouble falling back asleep. She told her husband, Mike, that she was going to go downstairs and lie on the couch because she was not feeling well. About 20 minutes later, Mike heard a noise and came downstairs to investigate. He approached her to ask about the noise and found her unresponsive. Dawn had gone into cardiac arrest.

Mike, who is an EMT, administered CPR and called 911. Within three minutes, the Sheriff’s Department shocked Dawn’s heart with an AED. About two minutes later, the paramedics arrived and continued CPR with the ResQPOD Impedance Threshold Device for about 35 minutes, and shocked her heart a total of five times. Dawn was then stabilized and brought to the hospital. Mike Blake, being a seasoned EMT, did not expect Dawn to wake up; however, as he was coming down the hall of the ICU he heard Dawn talking to her mother and could not believe it.

Today, Dawn is doing great and she looks forward to the opportunity of watching her kids grow up.

About Advanced Circulatory Systems, Inc.

Advanced Circulatory Systems, Inc. (ACSI) is a research and development company centered on decreasing mortality and morbidity using impedance threshold devices, including the ResQPOD. The company develops resuscitation systems that restore life and improve quality of life for patients suffering cardiac arrest, low blood pressure and head injury.

About Bound Tree Medical

Bound Tree Medical specializes in emergency medical equipment, supplies and product expertise for fire departments, military, government institutions and other EMS organizations that provide pre-hospital, emergency care. Bound Tree supports customers with a team of EMS-experienced product specialists, customer service representatives and local account managers, backed by strong vendors and a national distribution network. From everyday disposable items to extensive capital equipment, Bound Tree Medical offers thousands of quality products from leading manufacturers to help EMS providers save lives.