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6 reasons to form a strong EMS team

Just like a bridge needs strong pillars for adequate support, the EMS team needs strong, capable members to provide the best level of care

EMS team building is critical for EMTs and paramedics to do their job effectively. Just like a bridge needs strong pillars for adequate support, the EMS team needs strong, capable members to provide the best level of care, keep team members safe and promote a positive work environment where everyone can perform to their highest ability.

Here are six great reasons to form a strong EMS team:

1. The ultimate goal of forming a strong EMS team is to provide the highest level of emergency medical care to patients. EMS workers never work alone – they are always teamed with at least one other EMS professional for a variety of reasons.

One reason refers to the old adage, “Two heads are better than one.” If one team member overlooks something or is about to make a mistake, the other member can set things right. If there is friction between team members, they are less likely to work closely enough to catch each other’s mistakes.

2. Promote a positive atmosphere and good morale among shift workers. Studies in all levels of employment show that people who are happier in the workplace are more productive than those who feel negative about it.

3. Good teamwork helps reduce stress. Forming a strong EMS team helps employees relieve some of the stress that accumulates from dealing with crisis situations on a daily basis. Talking, joking and listening to team members are all great ways to decompress after a particularly troubling call.

4. A strong EMS team is like a family. You laugh, cry, work and relax together. When problems arise, you work it out instead of walking away and staying mad. You cover for each other when someone is down and they cover for you when you need help.

5. Developing a strong EMS team keeps team members safe. If the team works well together, you are like a well oiled machine, able to deal with the varying circumstances of EMS work as it arises. A strong team watches each other’s back.

6. Forming a strong EMS team encourages problem solving in a supportive atmosphere. A strong team is solution oriented, cooperative and uses constructive criticism and positive reinforcement to correct mistakes and show appreciation for a job well done. These approaches make everyone more effective on the job and also helps to foster pride in the team’s accomplishments.

EMS 101 articles are intended to educate a non-emergency medical services audience about the emergency medical services profession. These articles are written by EMS1 staff members and EMS1 contributors, and cover a wide range of topics from EMS protocols all paramedics & EMTs should follow to an overview of the necessary requirements for becoming a paramedic.