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Paramedics disapprove of converted Texas ‘slambulance’

Sign on door actually says ‘Slambulance'; on back, it says ‘DFW Cougar and Kitten Rescue’

By Scott Gordon

FORT WORTH, Texas — Paramedics at Fort Worth’s ambulance service Medstar are raising questions about a boxy vehicle driving on city streets with the word “ambulance” on the front and red and blue lights on top — but isn’t a real ambulance.

“Just like anybody when they see it for the first time, it looks like a legitimate ambulance,” said Medstar spokesman Matt Zavadsky.

People involved in an accident or in a medical emergency might wonder why the truck doesn’t stop to help, he said. A closer look reveals the sign on the door actually says “Slambulance” — not ambulance. On the back, it says “DFW Cougar and Kitten Rescue.” Inside, through dark windows, you can see leather furniture and a metal pole — not like you’d find in any real ambulance.

Full story: Paramedics Disapprove of Converted Ambulance

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