ABC Regional News
NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia — The Health Services Union says it has a written commitment from the Ambulance Service that a plan to use volunteer drivers in central New South Wales is off the table for now.
The ambulance service wanted to use volunteer drivers to assist single paramedics at Merriwa, Murrurundi, Dungog, Stroud, Bulahdelah and Gloucester.
But it was withdrawn to allow for further negotiations, after union officials and communities were outraged.
The union’s Hunter organiser Jim Arneman says he is pleased the ambulance service has put its decision in writing.
“Very relieved to get that written correspondence from the Ambulance Service. It is parked to one side, the parties in good faith are now going to explore what we believe are sensible options that should have been look at all the way through,” he said.
“Hopefully we can now provide service to these communities with professional paramedics which is what they deserve.”
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