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Naked woman allegedly assaults emergency personnel

The woman became combative and attempted to assault officers with items covered in bodily fluids

The Times-Standard

EURKEA, Calif. — A naked woman was transported to the hospital for evaluation Thursday after she allegedly attempted to assault responding officers then spit on an ambulance worker and an officer.

A Eureka Police Department officer was traveling eastbound near the 1100 block of Fifth Street around 11 a.m. when he saw a naked woman standing on the north curb, according to a press release. She was acting irrationally and the officer attempted to contact the woman to evaluate her medical and mental condition. The woman exhibited signs consistent with being under the influence of drugs and officers responded to assist, the release said.

The woman became combative and attempted to assault officers with items covered in bodily fluids, the release said. Officers were able to restrain the woman on the ground and City Ambulance was called to further assist in evaluating her condition.

While waiting for the ambulance, the release said the woman attempted to thrust her head into the pavement. Further restraint was required. When ambulance personnel arrived, the woman began spitting at the officers and ambulance staff. One officer and one ambulance staff member were hit by the spit, officials said.

Once the woman was restrained on a gurney, she was transported to the emergency room at St. Joseph Hospital for evaluation and treatment of minor abrasions. The release said this is an open case and charges of assault on emergency personnel and resisting arrest will be sought.

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