This episode of EMS One-Stop With Rob Lawrence is brought to you by Lexipol, the experts in policy, training, wellness support and grants assistance for first responders and government leaders. To learn more, visit
In a continuation of the Inside EMS podcast, Host Rob Lawrence picks up the EMS leadership discussion with Robbie MacCue, FP-C, MBA and Lisa Giruzzi of the EMS Leadership Academy.
Robbie, Lisa and Rob discuss a systems approach to leadership, emotional intelligence, encouraging freedom of thought, relationship building, effective listening and – above all – the ability to communicate at all levels.
Robbie and Lisa will be launching the 4th Annual Leadership Summit on September 20-24th, virtual and free at Rob Lawrence will be a featured speaker.
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Trust is the foundation for the glass house of EMS
Emotional intelligence will help mid-level leaders face the many pitfalls and scrutiny as they manage up and manage down within the organization