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Multi-state EMS solutions, combatting assault on EMS providers

In this episode, our co-hosts showcase the industry stories that peaked their interest, including a two-state EMS council and the prevalence of violence against EMS personnel


In this episode of Inside EMS, co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson discuss the most interesting industry news of the week.

First, our co-hosts discuss a story about the creation of an EMS council attempting to pool resources to develop a mult-state EMS solution.

“Good on these states for trying something new and trying to get it done,” Cebollero said. “We need role models because there are going to be other states and other counties that need to look at this type of model to sustain for the future.”

Next, our co-hosts discuss two stories that focus on safety in EMS and assault on providers by patients.

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The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs