By Kelly Grayson, EMS1 Columnist
“So, what’s worn under the kilt?”
Whenever that question comes up, my first instinct is to reply, “Well, it may not still be under warranty, but I wouldn’t exactly describe it as worn.”
But for the next month, I’m going to curb my smart aleck tendencies and use the opportunity to talk about male-specific cancers.
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and I’ve accepted a unique challenge to raise awareness for male-specific cancers. For the month of September, Kilted to Kick Cancer ( has challenged EMS bloggers to wear kilts for the entire month, and use the inevitable questions about what’s under the kilt to bring up the topic of prostate and testicular cancer.
Every moment I’m not on duty and required to wear my EMS superhero pants, I’ll be wearing a kilt when I’m out in public. Kilted at the grocery store. Kilted at the movie theater. Kilted at the restaurant. Kilted at the elementary school to pick up my little girl. I’ll even be wearing a kilt while delivering my lectures at EMS World Expo in Las Vegas.
[note to self: practice sitting like a girl]
Not only that, but I’ve organized a fundraising campaign for prostate and testicular cancer research, and secured a pretty nice package of prizes for the top fundraisers. If you’d like to participate in Kilted to Kick Cancer fundraising or donate money on behalf of one of the participating bloggers, check out the contest page on my blog ( for details how.
And in the meantime, get yourselves checked!