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Former medic, triathlete to race following devastating injury

Though he now simply hopes to walk a 5k, for years Miller’s life revolved around speed

By Kent Erdahl

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Three years after an accident nearly took his life and his ability to walk, an Indianapolis man is set to take part in the 500 Festival 5k.

Before 2010, the Mini Marathon was just one of many races John Miller competed in. In addition to running, he was a triathlete who qualified for the IronMan in Hawaii, but now he likes to brag about his new favorite metal.

“I have enough titanium in me that I think it will make up for anything I bring in (to the race),” Miller joked with 500 Festival volunteers on Thursday. Though he now simply hopes to walk a 5k, for years Miller’s life revolved around speed. As a paramedic he worked for 20 years at the Speedway and traveled with the IRL.

Full story: Former paramedic, triathlete to race following devastating injury