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Ky. county sets aside $300K for new EMS station

Rowan County officials voted unanimously to set aside $300,000 toward the acquisition of a new piece of property to build a more suitable home for

By Brad Stacy
The Morehead News

ROWAN COUNTY, Ky. — Rowan County Fiscal Court has officially taken the first step toward constructing a new Morehead-Rowan County EMS station.

The group voted unanimously to set aside $300,000 toward the acquisition of a new piece of property to build a more suitable home for paramedics, EMTs, and other staff.

“Keeping the citizens of Morehead and Rowan County safe is our top priority,” said Harry Clark, new judge-executive. “The current station was temporary after the previous one was condemned in 2011. As we continue to grow we have to grow our services along with it.”

The previous facility on West Main Street hosted only three bays for ambulances, requiring another to be stored off-site. It was also becoming structurally unsafe.

The current facility at 1350 Divide Hill behind the Carl Perkins Center has a similar problem.

The current bays houses seven ambulances, but was only designed for six.

“We also desperately need better living quarters for our men and women, along with more space for our records,” said Danny Blevins, EMS director.

Currently the department employees 19 full-time staff and more than 60 part-timers.

Blevins said the current location is also very poor, making it dangerous for workers to pull out onto the congested KY 32.

The director said when Fiscal Court and others are looking for another property, the piece should be fairly centrally located within city limits so they can serve the county and city with reasonable response times.

“We are blessed that Morehead is in the center of the county. Most counties aren’t like that,” he said. “About 16 miles one way is about as far as we have to go.”

Fiscal Court has been planning on making their next move for some time.

The group has previously budgeted $287,539.70 to acquire the property.

They now have approved a purchase price of up to $300,000.

“This is something that is vital to this community,” Clark said. “We want to make sure we make the right decision to help ensure we are giving the citizens of this county the best service possible.”

Clark said because of its importance, a specific timetable hasn’t been set.

“We are beginning to look, but we aren’t going to rush anything,” he said. “We are going to plan and do it right.”

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