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Watch: Cop cuffs firefighter on EMS call

Witnesses said it stemmed from the firefighter refusing to move his fire truck because he was rendering aid to the patient


NEW ROADS, La. — A New Roads Police Officer may have violated the law when he handcuffed and detained a volunteer firefighter and first responder Monday night during an emergency.

Witnesses said it stemmed from the firefighter refusing to move his fire truck because he was rendering aid to the patient. The call came in around 10 p.m. in the 100 block of Cherry Street. Joyce Harris watched everything unfold at her neighbor’s house.

“This is very disheartening, very disappointing and very embarrasing,” Harris said. Surveillance cameras at the Housing Authority in New Roads captured it all. A volunteer firefighter was first on the scene on Cherry Street. In the video, you can clearly see his emergency lights flashing while his fire truck was parked.

Full story: Fireman handcuffed after responding to 911 call