The Times-News
BURLEY, Idaho — A 10-year-old girl who was hunting with family members Sunday near Lake Walcott was shot in the face when she fell while carrying a .bolt-action 410 shotgun.
Cedar Glaesemann was taken by ambulance to Minidoka Memorial Hospital, said Cassia County Undersheriff George Warrell.
She later was transported to Primary Children’s Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Medical center spokeswoman Bonnie Midget said she couldn’t reach the family Tuesday to get permission to release Glaesemann’s medical condition.
“We haven’t heard anything about her condition since she was taken to Primary’s,” said Warrell.
The 911 call came in shortly after 10 a.m. Sunday, said a sheriff’s news release. Deputies investigated and ruled it an accidental shooting.
The sheriff’s office “urges everyone this hunting season to be safe when handling firearms,” the statement said.
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