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President Sugiyama concludes meetings with international EMS leaders

International Association of Emergency Medical Service Chiefs (IAEMSC) President William Sugiyama this week concluded a series of meetings with international EMS Chiefs in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Hosted by the Emergency Medical Services Chiefs of Canada (EMSCC), the IAEMSC delegation of President Sugiyama, Past President Lawrence Tan, and President Emeritus Paul Maniscalco continued to foster the long-term relations with Canadian colleagues — promoting the mutual goal of advancing EMS leadership at the local, state/provincial and national levels collectively.

Additionally, meetings were conducted with EMS organizations and leaders from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, and several Gulf States.

President Sugiyama noted: “The importance of sustained dialogue within the international EMS leadership community is vital toward achieving the collective goal is advancing leadership at all levels and the discipline at-large. The exchange of perspective, strategies, solution sets, and future vision for the advancement of EMS is an invaluable opportunity for all organizations and their respective members. IAEMSC highly values our relationship with these organizations, especially with our longest strategic partner the EMSCC. Moreover we congratulate EMSCC President Nolan, the EMSCC officers and members on another outstanding leadership forum.”

A formal report of activities will be proffered to the IAEMSC Board of Directors and members during next week’s mid-year Executive Committee meeting.

Additional information about the IAEMSC can be found at: