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Video: ‘Drunk’ medics try to save patient in parody movie

‘Med Drunk’ is a four-minute movie written, directed and acted by intoxicated people

A new experimental documentary series has turned its sights on EMS to answer a question that probably didn’t need to be asked: what would happen if everyone operating an ambulance was completely drunk?

Aptly named ‘The Drunk Series', the short parodies were produced by a Portland, Ore.-area production company to portray what everyday activities would be like if all the people involved were drunk.

Not only were all the screenplays written under the influence, they were performed drunk as well. According to the website, “We ended up with six creations and asked our brave and talented cast to be sloppy, near-blackout drunk on the days and nights of filming.”

The second of the six episodes, ‘Med Drunk’, features a novice paramedic attempting to save the life of one of her many past lovers. And everybody’s drunk.