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US EMS trainers supply equipment to responders in Guam

Pair conducted EMT training and testing for local and federal firefighters

Pacific News Center

MANGILAO,Guam. — Two of the people conducting the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) testing at Guam Community College this week brought with them some state-of-the-art equipment that Guam EMTs hope to be using on live patients someday.

Lawson Stuart, RN, MBA, MICP, Executive Director and Chief Academic Officer of the National College of Technical Instruction (NCTI), and Stephanie Campbell-Stuart, RN, NREMT-P, NCI, an accreditation and credentialing consultant with ACI Standards, returned to Guam last week to conduct EMT training and testing for local and federal firefighters

They brought with them $1,500 worth of equipment that is being donated to GCC for the EMT training: two EZ-IO G3 drills and six King tubes. Stuart explained that the drills are for starting intro-osseous (within the bone) vascular access, and that the King tubes are a state-of-the-art way for EMTs to establish an emergency airway in a victim. Stuart credited VidaCare, the EZ-IO G3 manufacturer, and King Systems, the tube inventor, for providing the donated equipment.

Full Story: EMT Certification Trainers Donate Equipment to GCC