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Wash. paramedic convicted of cyber-stalking ex

By Jane McCarthy
KING 5 News
Copyright 2007 KING-TV

OAK HARBOR, Wash. — A Whidbey Island paramedic is facing possible prison time after a strange case of cyber-stalking in which he hacked into his ex-girlfriend’s computer.

A jury convicted Tracy Adams of 10 counts of computer trespass. He faces up to 53 months in prison when he is convicted next year.

Yvette Esparza says she’s spent the past year and-a-half living in fear. Adams hacked into her computer and monitored her every move via the Internet.

“Emotionally I haven’t been the same person since. I have a hard time just being a good mom because I’ve been under so much stress. I don’t sleep. I’m scared all the time,” said Esparza.

Full Story: Paramedic used computers at stations to cyber-stalk