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Mich. ambulance service discusses ‘dissolution’ after debt analysis

Total debt liability may exceed $860,000; employee medical bills not being paid by employer

By Stephen Kloosterman
Muskegon Chronicle

WHITEHALL, Mich. — Officials on Monday openly discussed the dissolution of the White Lake Ambulance Authority after a week of analysis showed its debts were larger than previously thought.

The seven-member board that controls the authority voted unanimously to send its attorney to the drawing board for a proposed amendment of its articles of incorporation that would make dissolution orderly.

The White Lake Ambulance Authority, which is partly supported by a 0.55-mill property tax on the seven communities it serves, provides emergency medical treatment and transport to a coverage area of nearly 18,000 residents of northwestern Muskegon County.

Read the full story: White Lake Ambulance Authority discusses ‘dissolution’ after further analysis of debt