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W.Va. EMS quickens response times with vehicle tracking system

When the call comes in, the closest ambulance to a call location will be dispatched; ambulance tracking also helps ensure the safety of medics

HARRISON COUNTY, W.Va. — The days of using a cell phone solely to make a phone call are over.

Teenagers, business owners, and the common man alike are using cell phones and other technologies for every day activities. Whether it’s sending an email or posting on Facebook, the world is quite literally at your fingertips. But the medical profession is also jumping aboard. With technologies like LifeNet, hospitals can prepare rooms and get a head-start on a diagnosis. The future of telemedicine probably isn’t too far off.

For emergency responders the clock is always ticking. “Time is muscle,” said Dr. Chris Goode, with the United Hospital Center. Anything that can make response times quicker is essential. In West Virginia, there are people who live as much as an hour from a hospital. The first face-to-face contact with a healthcare professional is often through an ambulance service, but even those can be miles and miles away. Anything that can make response times quicker is essential.

Full story: Harrison County EMS Quickens Response Times With Vehicle Tracking System Clarksburg, Morgantown: News, Sports, Weather