By Kakie Urch
The Desert Sun
Copyright ©2007
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. — A 68-year-old Palm Springs man is charged with misdemeanor battery after he allegedly slapped a Palm Springs firefighter early Wednesday, police said.
About 2:45 a.m., emergency personnel were in the process of helping a woman in medical need when her neighbor, Walter Padgett, allegedly began yelling at firefighters and other emergency personnel for information the woman’s condition.
According to a news release from Palm Springs police, Padgett, 68, yelled from his apartment window in the 300 block of East Palm Canyon Drive, demanding to know what was wrong.
Police said a firefighter told Padgett that they were there for medical aid but could not give more information.
Police said Padgett then came outside and began yelling at firefighters, saying they made too much money and that he had a right to know what they were doing because he was a neighbor.
Palm Springs firefighter Greg Lyle explained to Padgett that the medical privacy laws known as “HIPPA” prevent firefighters from giving such information to nonrelatives of a patient.
According to police, Padgett then leaned against rescue personnel as they were putting the patient in a waiting ambulance - apparently trying to see into the ambulance.
Police said Lyle asked Padgett to back away, but Padgett allegedly slapped Lyle across the face.
Padgett was detained by fire and ambulance personnel until police arrived and took him into custody.
Padgett, charged with misdemeanor battery upon emergency personnel, was booked at the Palm Springs Jail.