Editor’s note: Check out Art Hsieh’s take on this story in “C’mon DC: Can’t you do better for your community?”
WASHINGTON — Washington D.C.'S fire chief Kenneth Ellerbe will announce a plan to move paramedics off overnight hours to cover busier times of the day.
Some are worried there won’t be enough help if a life is on the line.
FOX 5’s Sherri Ly spoke with the chief who disputes the claims by the fire fighters union that this plan will reduce their ability to respond to calls by 36-percent.
“I don’t know if that data is correct first of all,” stated Ellerbe. “What I will say is that we will have an ambulance that can respond. We have twenty-one paramedic engine companies and seven EMS supervisors, who are also paramedics, who will be able to assist that ambulance to provide emergency or advanced life support care.”
Ellerbe says the plan is not complete yet and that it still needs to be discussed with the city council and stakeholders.
“This gives us an opportunity to look at a decades old system and respond more readily to our community. We’ve looked at the data for over a year and the data indicates that we don’t have as many calls from 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. as we do from 7 o’clock during the day.”
“So we’re trying to adjust our schedule, adjust our service and remodel to make sure we can meet the demand of the community,” Ellerbe continued.
Republished with permission from My FOX 5