1. “I remember when all museums in NYC were free. All they asked for was a donation of whatever you could afford. Now there’s mandatory ‘donation’ minimums. It’s honestly disgusting. If it doesn’t go to the families it’s profiting off of people’s grief.” — Marjorie Parry
2. “Visited the memorial last December. As a firefighter and as an American it was a truly humbling experience. I have no issue paying fees to go through the museum as long as those funds go toward the museum and memorial itself. And I also believe that some of the funds could be set aside to help families of our fallen brothers and sisters.” — Chris Cox
3. “I have no problem with paying $24 as long as it actually goes toward the upkeep of the museum and property. If those funds came from the budget of the City of New York instead, God only knows what that place would turn into after a few years of city council debates. — Andrew Tucker
4. “I have a problem with paying that much. I could go $5 maybe. A lot of Americans who are interested in the 9/11 tragedy cannot afford to pay it.” — Alan Yates
5. “I have no problem with a fee to the museum. The MEMORIAL is free!” — Sid Darvill
6. “Museums charge a fee; how is this different from any other museum? Although the 9/11 museum costs tens of millions to build. The admission price is a non-issue.” — Llewellyn Owens