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EMT cleared in protest clash claims officer lied about assault

Video evidence shows that EMT Maria Morales did not assault officers during a May Day rally

SEATTLE — A Seattle EMT cleared of an alleged attack on two police officers says officers lied to cover up excessive force used on her during a protest demonstration.

Maria Morales ,30, was taking part in the May Day demonstration in downtown Seattle when a police officer said she was punched by Morales, according to the Seattle PI.

The allegations caused Morales to lose her job as an EMT and her apartment , and cost her thousands in attorneys’ fees.

Video evidence from the riot, however, went against what police officers claimed Morales did.

“It’s a complete fabrication, and the reason that we know that is because it was on video,” Morales’ attorney, Darryl Parker, said. “The statement of probable cause that led to her arrest is completely false.”

Parker alleges that Seattle police violated Morales’ civil rights, assaulted her and lied to prosecutors to ensure that she would be charged.

He also said that during the May Day rally, Morales was pulled by officers and thrown onto her stomach and pepper sprayed and handcuffed before being arrested under suspicion of assault. Officers filed a statement Morales had punched an officer and kicked a second and disobeyed them.

Parker told the paper that he expects to serve a lawsuit on the City of Seattle soon, although no amount of damages have been specified.