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Ex-medic pleads guilty to DUI in fatal hit and run

“There is not a day, an hour, a second out of 60 minutes that I don’t think of him,” he told the family of the 21-year-old killed in the accident

FOX 8 News

FORSYTH COUNTY, N.C. — Christopher Shane Grubbs told a Forsyth County judge that he spent 20 years as a paramedic and a state highway trooper working to preserve and protect life.

But in August 2013, he ended the life of 21-year-old Richard Bernard Byers Jr., who Grubbs fatally hit with his pickup and left lying in the road overnight in the rain, according to the Winston-Salem Journal.

Byers was found the next morning and taken to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, where he died of his injuries.

Read full story: Former paramedic, state trooper pleads guilty in fatal hit and run, DWI