By Laura French
CHARLOTTE, Mich. — A Michigan EMT who has worked for more than 57 years in EMS described what has kept him motivated throughout the pandemic in recent interviews.
Eaton Area EMS EMT Lyle See, 81, told WILX Reporter Nicole Buchmann that the main things keeping him going are his family, his teammates and his local community. He also said he enjoys working with people and helping others.
“We see people sometimes at their worst, not because they chose to be, but they’re in situations, and I enjoy being able to do what I can to improve their situation,” See told Buchmann.
See said his father was a firefighter and that he joined EMS after graduating college in the 60s, when many ambulance services were still run through funeral homes.
After retiring from a 33-year career as a human resources director, Buchmann began working in EMS full-time, saying he prefers to keep busy by going out to work every day rather than sitting at home.
Fellow Eaton Paramedic Patrick Alleman told Buchmann that See is great to work with, saying, “I would put him up against just about any new EMT based on work ethics, ability and knowledge, and he definitely comes through when you need him.”
See said he has been blessed with good health, allowing him to continue his EMS work during the COVID-19 pandemic, although the virus has been an incredible challenge for himself and all his colleagues.
"[EMS] is a great opportunity for people and I’m just one of the team here and all the surrounding areas that are fighting through this pandemic,” See told Buchmann.
See was also featured in the PBS Voices program “80-Year-Olds on the Keys to Happiness in 2021" earlier this month.
“I know a lot of people my age giving to their community to enhance the quality of life for all the people,” See told PBS.