Voice of San Diego
SAN DIEGO — It was three mayors ago when the city of San Diego decided to see whether it could get a better deal on its ambulance services. Now it looks like the decision is going to outlast another mayoral term.
Yet another hiccup is leading city officials to consider putting off a new contract until the middle of 2017, Chief Operating Officer Scott Chadwick told City Council members in a recent memo.
City officials have been hoping that a new contract would allow them to better monitor ambulance response times across the city. Right now, ambulance provider Rural/Metro is responsible for getting to high-priority emergencies like heart attacks with 12 minutes, 90 percent of the time. Fire-Rescue officials examine Rural/Metro’s responses citywide as well as in north, south, east and west zones of the city. But they’d like to hold an ambulance company responsible for response times in neighborhoods.
Read full story: San Diego’s Unending Ambulance Saga Continues to Unend