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Idaho EMS service launches program to help homeless

Paramedics stocked ambulances with bags containing small items aimed at keeping people clean, healthy and warm, and will hand them out when they see someone in need

BOISE, Idaho — After news about a recent uptick in the local homeless population, Ada County Paramedics decided to lend a helping hand by creating a bag of essentials for those in need.

EMS providers paid for and have been packing bags with about $10 worth of items such as travel-sized shampoo, soap, Band-Aids, and other small items aimed at keeping people clean, healthy and warm.

“What we’re doing is stocking these on their ambulances, and if we come across somebody who looks like they need some help, [we’re] going to hand it to them and hopefully make their day,” marketing coordinator Hadley Mayes told

The department hopes to grow the program to include other donations and EMS agencies.