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Union secures body armor for paramedics at Republican National Convention

Union leaders, AMR officials, and an out-of-state store team up to buy 14 ballistic vests

CLEVELAND — Before the Republican National Convention opened this week in Cleveland, members of the International Association of EMTs and Paramedics union working the event discovered they were among the only first responders without riot gear.

Union leaders, working with AMR officials located an out-of-state store with safety vests in stock last weekend and 14 vests were secured.

EMS crews are now fitted with ballistic vests that give them the same protection as the other public safety personnel at the convention.

“It was a great joint effort,” said IAEP representative Steve Caraboolad in a press release for the organization.

In preparation for the four-day convention, the city of Cleveland worked with local, state and federal agencies, including the FBI and Secret Service, to create a plan for security. An estimated 50,000 people are expected to visit the Cleveland area during the convention and 2,000 sets of riot gear were custom fit for local law enforcement officers.

Caraboolad, who represents over 100 EMS professionals in the Akron/Canton area, reported to the first shift for the RNC July 15. He said that his co-workers appeared to be the only first responders at the event not equipped with ballistic vests.

Caraboolad worked with IAEP National Representative Ken Skaggs and Dick Whipple, district manager for AMR, to find a store in Michigan that was open and had enough vests in supply. By July 16, the vests were delivered to the paramedics on duty at the RNC.

IAEP members are working in 12-hour shifts from seven ambulances, both inside the Quicken Loans Arena and in the surrounding area, which has been busy with protests and crowds.

“With so many mass shootings in such a short time, we’re all tense right now, especially the men and women who have to respond to these dangerous situations,” David Holway, IAEP national president said. “The best way to get through that is working together. I’m proud that the IAEP and AMR took that to heart in order to protect the protectors this week.”