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Pa. crash victim’s EMS family raises funds for her care

By Catherine Rodriguez
Pocono Record Writer

When members of West End EMS responded to the call for a serious accident July 31 on Route 115 at Sugar Hollow Road, they had no idea the patient was one of their own.

Lauren Shubert, 21, a member of the corps for six years, was critically injured. On the Glasco Coma Scale, which measures motor, verbal and eye responses, she rated a 3 — the lowest score possible. She had a displacement in her neck, a punctured lung, fractured collarbone and kidney and spleen injuries. She was diagnosed with a Diffuse Axional Injury, meaning her brain had been bounced around in her skull, and her ability to communicate with the rest of her body was in bad shape.

Her fellow medics were in bad shape as well. The staff is rattled. ...

Full Story: Crash victim’s EMS family raises funds for her care