Did you know that we have 12.7 fatalities per 100,000 EMS workers? That’s two times the national average (5.0 fatalities/100,000)! In fact, statistically, our mortality rate is extremely similar to that of police (14.2/100,000) and firefighters (16.5/100,000).
But what is killing us? A whopping 74% of those fatalities were transportation related.
What can I do? Learn to drive within your limits. Speed does not make up for lost time. Come to complete stops at all uncontrolled intersections and do no proceed until you are confident that the lanes are clear. Always wear a brightly colored protective vest so that other motorists have a better chance of seeing you. And buckle up, both in the front seat and in the back.
Maguire, Hunting, Smith & Levick: “Occupational Fatalities in Emergency Medical Services: A Hidden Crisis.” Annals of Emergency Medicine. Dec 2002.