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Medic Mindset Podcast: The airway evangelist

A conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Jarvis on airway management and medical direction

In this episode, Ginger Locke interviews Dr. Jeffrey Jarvis. He is the medical director for Williamson County EMS in Central Texas. He is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician and a paramedic.

In this information-packed episode, Dr. Jarvis discusses:

Listeners who hang around until the end can look forward to Dr. Jarvis sharing a bit about the challenges he faced as a paramedic, and the medical podcasts he listens to while training for marathon running.

In some episodes of Medic Mindset, Ginger interviews medics who she affectionately calls the “medic-next-door.” Their stories are universally relatable to medics everywhere. In other episodes, she interviews subject-matter experts. In this episode, Dr. Jarvis gives the listener the benefit of both.

The Medic Mindset podcast is created and hosted by Ginger Locke, BA, NRP. As an associate professor of EMS Professions at Austin (TX) Community College, she has immersed herself in the art and science of how medics think and perform. In interviews with medics and subject-matter experts, she thoughtfully explores the inner-workings of the minds of medics. Prior to becoming a paramedic, she studied social psychology at the University of Georgia and the University of Leicester, UK. Her professional endeavors revolve around the conviction that the most important and complicated tool in EMS in the brain of the medic.