By Shelbie Watts, EMS1 Editorial Assistant
As of February 16, 2018, the 911 system has been helping save lives for 50 years. Although some people will never fully grasp the proper time to contact an emergency dispatcher, some emergency departments have tried their hardest and thought out of the box to remind their communities that 911 is not a catch-all for whatever inconvenience arises.
Here are the top five best PSA videos created to inform the public on when (and when not) to use 911.
5. When to call an ambulance: A Christmas PSA
This PSA from Queensland Ambulance Service reminds people to check on their friends and neighbors during the holidays and not to be afraid to call for an ambulance if they need help.
4. Rock County Comm Center PSA for public to call non-emergency number
Rock County Communications Center issued a public service announcement for the public to call 757-2244 and not 911 for non-emergencies.
3. 911 agency releases new PSA lip sync video
Rock County 911 releases follow-up to their viral “Uptown Funk” video to spread awareness about the “Problem” of 911 hang-ups and butt dials.
2. Fire and rescue department’s humorous when to call 911 PSA
The Tuscaloosa Fire and Rescue Department created a funny video to teach residents about when they should call 911 to report a true emergency.
1. Holiday-themed PSA reminds when it’s not appropriate to call 911
This PSA reminds patients that for many conditions self-transport to a primary care physician, urgent care or ED is best. And to only use an ambulance for true emergencies.