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Conn. firefighters rescue woman hit by bus, trapped underneath

A technical rescue team, Stamford police and Stamford EMS responded, treated and transported her


Photo/Stamford Fire Department

By Leila Merrill

STAMFORD, Conn. — Stamford firefighters rescued a woman who was hit by a bus and became trapped underneath it Tuesday afternoon.

The woman was pinned below the front axle of a CTtransit tandem-style bus, The Stamford Fire Department said in a news release. She was conscious, alert and able to talk with firefighters.

A technical rescue team responded, and Stamford police and Stamford EMS sent multiple units.

The rescue “involved stabilization of the bus and lifting using high-pressure airbags,” the department said. A video shows firefighters using blocks under the bus.

They conducted the whole rescue in under 10 minutes, officials said.

The woman was safely removed and transported to Stamford Hospital for evaluation.

Deputy Chief Matt Palmer, the incident commander, called the rescue a “valiant and flawless effort.”.

“Given the size and weight of this bus, we are very grateful that her injuries were not more serious,” he said.