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Music to get you through a bad EMS night: The Code Green Campaign playlist

New songs are regularly added to the Spotify playlist to inspire, encourage and entertain EMTs and paramedics

The Code Green Campaign “Midnight Music” playlist on Spotfiy is a collection of songs to help an EMT or paramedic through a bad night.

New songs, usually on Friday around midnight, are regularly added.

Listen to and save The Code Green Campaign playlist on Spotify. Suggest songs to add to the playlist that will inspire, encourage or entertain an EMS colleague through a dark moment in the comments.

The Code Green Campaign calls a ‘code alert’ on the mental health of EMTs and paramedics by breaking the silence about mental illness in EMS by sharing the stories of those who have been there. The Code Green Campaign has selected this story and we are glad to share it with EMS1 readers. Learn more about the Code Green Campaign.