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10 EMS1 milestones, 10 years in the making

A look back at defining moments, acquisitions, additions, offerings and the people who made EMS1 what it is today


In an age where information travels at the speed of thought, education can’t afford to be limited to brick-and-mortar classrooms.

Courtesy photo


Way back in 2002, I was privileged to be a founding editorial board member of a new online EMS magazine called Prehospital Perspectives. It was a bold challenge to the only two EMS trade journals of the day, neither of which had any significant online presence at the time. We only lasted a couple of years, but I like to think we opened some eyes to the potential of online EMS media.

One of the friends I made back in those days was EMS1 co-founder Kris Kaull, who invited me to come aboard as a regular columnist shortly after EMS1 launched. It’s been a wild and wonderful ride in the 10 years since, and I thought I’d share a few of the milestones in EMS1 history to celebrate our 10 year anniversary.

10. EMS1 hires fledging EMS writer Kelly Grayson, who propels the company to unimagined success, spurring its development into the 800-pound gorilla of EMS digital media

OK, you’re not buying any of this, are you? My bouts of rampant narcissism aside, EMS1 owes much of its success to a superlative stable of writers producing quality original content. Leading EMS advocates and educators like Rom Duckworth, Kenny Navarro, Mike McEvoy, Dan Limmer, John Becknell, Steve Whitehead, Skip Kirkwood and too many others to mention make us who we are.

9. Award-winning content, like Neal Awards, Folio Awards and Maggie Awards

EMS1 and parent company Praetorian Digital have become annual fixtures in online specialty media awards ceremonies. Every time Praetorian Digital’s Vice President of Content Jon Hughes steps to the podium to accept an award for EMS1, our profession has its moment to shine above the frequent negative portrayals of EMS providers in mainstream media.

8. EMS1 launches its Facebook page in 2008

And while I sometimes consider the comments section as the equivalent of the Mos Eisley Spaceport of online social media, EMS1’s Facebook page has garnered 354,000-plus followers; and generated hundreds of thousands of comments, likes and shares, for many thousands of posts. And while it is sometimes anyone’s guess which post will go viral and which will result in chirping crickets, Facebook has increased our reach to the EMS community by an order of magnitude.

7. EMS1 hires Greg Friese as Editor-in-Chief

While I may do a (dead accurate) impersonation of Greg at every opportunity, he’s a paramedic and distinguished educator, and under his leadership, EMS1 has greatly increased both the volume and the quality of its original content. Since November 2014, he has cultivated a new generation of talent in EMS writers. It doesn’t matter if no one has heard your name; if you have passion, can write eloquently about the topics of interest to our profession, EMS1 and Editor-in-Chief Greg Friese will give you a shot. The only connections you need are desire and an engaging topic.

6. EMS1 acquires Best Practices in Emergency Services and Uniform Stories

Best Practices, the acclaimed monthly newsletter of the National EMS Management Association, did just what its title says; kept EMS managers abreast of best practices in our field. By integrating Best Practices and Uniform Stories – the popular public safety and military entertainment and networking site – with its cadre of original content, EMS1 has been able to inform, educate and entertain EMS professionals at every rung on the career ladder.

5. EMS1 launches new media content like Inside EMS and EMS1 Academy

In an age where information travels at the speed of thought, education can’t afford to be limited to brick-and-mortar classrooms. Through podcasting and leveraging hybrid and online education, EMS1 continues to be an industry leader in EMS continuing education.

4. EMS1 launches its Editorial Advisory Board

The group, comprised of some of the foremost experts in prehospital care, works closely with EMS1 editors and columnists to provide expert review of content and ensure that the site’s quality and breadth of coverage of EMS issues continues to expand and improve.

3. EMS1 launches the Paramedic Chief Newsletter

Merging the content of the Best Practices in Emergency Services into a slick new all-digital format, EMS1 continues to provide expert insight into critical EMS issues to an ever-wider audience.

2. Keeping tongue firmly inserted in cheek

We could all use some levity now and then, and with EMS1’s annual April Fool’s edition, The Spoof, and the occasional humorous takes on topics like our industry jargon, EMS1 can leaven even the darkest news with side-splitting humor.

1. Excellent, evergreen content

Whether it’s CAPCE-accredited online continuing education, managerial best practices or sharing the latest EMS news and events on our Facebook page, it’s the original articles, opinion, analysis and commentary that keep bringing readers back. From advice to new EMT students or paramedic graduates, crowd-sourcing mental health support or cutting-edge technical articles, EMS1 has something for readers at every stage in their EMS career.

EMS1 promises to keep bringing you new content in the years to come and we thank you for reading! columnist Kelly Grayson, is a paramedic ER tech in Louisiana. He has spent the past 14 years as a field paramedic, critical care transport paramedic, field supervisor and educator. Kelly is the author of two books, “En Route: A Paramedic’s Stories of Life, Death and Everything In Between,” and “On Scene: More Stories of Life, Death and Everything In Between.”