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Quiz: Magnesium and chloride cellular action potential

Test your knowledge on how the schoolhouse theory applies to the cellular physiology of magnesium

Understanding cellular action potentials help EMS providers understand what is causing their patients to present with specific clinical findings. Magnesium decreases the influx of sodium and thus diminishes physiologic function. Magnesium is one mechanism that decreases the influx of sodium by inhibiting calcium’s ability to hold the door open for sodium. Chloride, an anion, accomplishes a similar end through a totally different process. By offsetting the positivity of cations, cells are prevented from achieving adequate polarity to initiate a cellular action potential.

Read “Applying schoolhouse theory to magnesium and chloride” and watch a video explaining more, and test your knowledge on how the schoolhouse theory applies to the physiology of magnesium and chloride with the quiz below.

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Up next: Quiz: Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

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Bob Matoba, M.Ed., EMT-P is an associate professor at the College of Central Florida in Ocala. Bob’s career has spanned almost every aspect of the EMS profession, first as an EMT and paramedic for private ambulance companies, EMS coordinator for medical oversight, EMS system consultation in the private and public sector, all the way to the EMS chief for a metropolitan fire department. He has made it his mission to educate clinicians, rather than technicians. Bob is a monthly columnist for and has been a featured and contributing author for EMS World Magazine and JEMS.