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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning for Firefighters - CCBEMS approved - $15.95 (no charge, covered by ED grant until 12/31/08)

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Carbon monoxide is the most frequent cause of poisoning in industrialized countries. Reports indicate that over 500 people a year are killed by unintentional poisoning, with about 15,000 people seeking treatment at hospitals. Firefighters play a key role in responding to and rescuing patients suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. Symptoms of mild poisoning include headaches and flu-like effects. However, larger exposures can lead to significant toxicity of the central nervous system and heart.

Upon completing this educational curriculum on carbon monoxide poisoning, by Bryan E. Bledsoe, DO, FACEP, the student will be more aware of the importance of carbon monoxide detection and carbon monoxide treatment in the fire-ground setting.

Download the curriculum materials below.

Download Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, FF (PowerPoint v.2007) - 13.6 MB

Download Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, FF (PowerPoint v.2003 or older) - 25.7 MB

Download Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Handouts, FF (PDF) - 2.62 MB

Download Carbon Monoxide Curriculum, FF (Word) - 11.8 MB

This educational module is sponsored by Masimo Inc., and is endorsed by the National Association of EMTs. The module was reviewed by the International Association of Firefighters.

Copyright 2008 by Cielo Azul Publications.

This education section is sponsored by Masimo Inc., dedicated to making noninvasive patient monitoring technologies that are more effective and reliable, and improving patient outcomes and reducing the cost of care.