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The importance of EMS recertification

Certifications are an important way to make sure individuals have the appropriate knowledge and skills to continue working in the field


By Allison G. S. Knox, M.A., EMT-B, faculty member at American Military University

Certifications are an important aspect of career development: They help keep individuals engaged and knowledgeable about best practices and policies. In emergency medical services (EMS), certifications are an important way to make sure individuals have the appropriate knowledge and skills to continue working in the field.

The EMS recertification process for emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics is time consuming. Considering how diverse the various certifications have become, the EMS recertification process will vary considerably depending on the type of certification. It is, however, important for EMS professionals to stay versed on the various protocols and latest developments in medical practices.

EMS is a physically demanding profession that requires tremendous focus and knowledge in a variety of different medical and traumatic emergencies. It also requires individuals to make good decisions under pressure in a fast-paced environment.

Full story: The importance of EMS recertification

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