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5 EMS books that make great gifts

Our favorite books of the year written by medics; great gifts for everyone on your list

We put together a list of our favorite books written by medics. Whether you are thinking of someone in EMS or not, there’s an option for everyone on your list. From gripping accounts of EMS calls, to math tips for EMS students and EMS-themed illustrations, these page turners make for perfect holiday or graduation gifts, as well as thoughtful 1-year or 5-years of service recognition.

Rescue 1 Responding

“Rescue 1 Responding” is the second book by EMS1 columnist Michael Morse. Morse, a 18-year EMS veteran takes the readers on a compelling ride through the streets of Providence, Rhode Island.
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Med Math Simplified

“Med Math Simplified: Dosing Math Tricks for Students, Nurses and Paramedics” by Jamie Davis, nurse, paramedic educator and EMS podcaster, uses concepts of dimensional analysis with a common sense approach to learning the math and formulas needed safely and correctly arrive at drug doses for patients.
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Blood, Sweat, Tears and Prayers

“Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Prayers: Firefighting and EMS from Some of the Toughest Streets in America”, the first book by Chief Gary Ludwig, is a dramatic account of his 34-year career in two of the statistically most violent cities in the United States — St. Louis and Memphis.
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Lights & Sirens

Lights & Sirens is Kevin Grange’s memoir of becoming a paramedic in Los Angeles. Aspiring paramedics will appreciate Grange’s in-depth explanation of learning, studying and training at the UCLA Center for Prehospital Care Paramedic Education Program. Experienced EMS providers will be reminded of the stress of becoming a paramedic as Grange rides with LAFD and perhaps reflect on how they might best mentor new providers.
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Portraits of an Emergency

“Portraits of an Emergency” is a collection of images created by paramedic, firefighter and artist Daniel Sundahl. The images provide an insight into the mental toll faced in the world of emergency services. Sundahl’s portraits are inspired by calls he attended himself, and are a creative outlet for the artist to process the terrible scenes he witnessed. A portion of the proceeds will be used to create a scholarship fund to help send people to the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation’s annual congress.

More books and gifts

We have been enjoying an advanced copy of “A Thousand Naked Strangers: A Paramedic’s Wild Ride to the Edge and Back.” You can pre-order this book from former Atlanta EMT Kevin Hazzard now from Amazon and look forward to an excerpt soon.

Also check out our interview with the medics who wrote “Frederick the Paramedic” and 9 additional gift ideas for EMTs and paramedics.

Was there an EMS book you loved this year? Add it in the comments.