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The Time to Implement a Naloxone Program is Now!

(CHICOPEE, MA Dec. 2014) – Deaths from prescription painkillers have reached epidemic levels in the past decade and only recently has it been recognized as a public health crisis. 114 people die every day in the United States from drug overdose.
Health care providers wrote 259 million prescriptions for painkillers in 2012, enough for every American adult to have a bottle of pills. Drug abuse causes 2.5 million emergency department visits annually.

It’s common sense that more prescriptions equals more abuse, which equates to more overdoses. It’s also common sense that the time for first responders to be proactive and implement a naloxone program for their community is now.

However your program is structured, Iron Duck has three opioid overdose cases to suit your needs. Our Community Outreach kit features treatment instructions printed on the bag, with room on the other side of the pouch for personalization with outreach phone numbers, etc. Our professional single and double vial kits designed for first responders will safely carry one to two vials of naloxone with room for related supplies.

Make a difference in your community today: equip your first responders and community with Iron Duck’s Opioid Overdose kits.

For more information about our Opioid Overdose kits, call our sales department at 413 377 0030 or email

About Iron Duck
Iron Duck is the world’s leading provider of innovative products and equipment for the emergency medical, firefighting and law enforcement markets. Our products are renowned for their rugged construction, reliability, and ease of use. Iron Duck is committed to building these exceptional products in the United States.

About Rapid Deployment Products
Rapid Deployment Products, a division of Iron Duck, manufactures state of the art products for fire/rescue, EMS, law enforcement, and tactical use. Our products, like the ProLite spineboard line, are built to exceed quality standards so they are reliable for the professionals as well as the patients they serve.