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NASEMSO releases report on organization, functions of state EMS offices

The striking issue that the survey revealed is that state EMS offices are involved in functions of the EMS system of the past

National Association of State EMS Officials

FALLS CHURCH, Va. — The National Association of State EMS Officials is pleased to announce the release of a new report: Organization, Staffing, and Functions of State EMS Offices.

Organization, Staffing, and Functions of State EMS Offices summarizes the findings from a 2016-2017 survey of state EMS offices on how EMS offices are organizationally situated; how EMS offices are staffed; the specific areas in which EMS offices have definitive functional authority; and trends which may create change in these characteristics.

The report provides a key informational foundation of state EMS office function and organization. That foundation is how state EMS officials define the organization of each EMS office within state government, including its functions and how it is staffed. It also looks to the future by attempting to assess what trends state EMS officials view as potentially affecting state EMS office organization, staffing and functions.

“Compiling this information from our members is essential to understanding the current legislative mandates executed by the majority of state EMS offices such as personnel and agency licensure, but also to best assist them in their on-going EMS system development opportunities and challenges that are imminent,” stated Keith Wages, NASEMSO president.

The striking issue that the survey reveals is that state EMS offices are very much involved in functions of the EMS system of the past, and have work to do to prepare to be a leader in enabling their systems and providers to meet the challenges of the EMS system and healthcare trends that state EMS officials perceive for the future.

You can read the report below.

Organization, Staffing, and Functions of State EMS Offices